School Bells Ring…

Fleeting summer is confirmed with the resumption of classes at Lake City Community School next Tuesday morning, August 27.
According to School Superintendent Rebecca Hall, classes commence at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday and for school students Grades 1-12 continue until 4 p.m. on a Tuesday through Friday schedule.
Four-year old Lake City preschoolers follow a similar 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. class schedule, although for three-year old preschoolers the schedule will be 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Preliminary class rosters indicate a total of 84 students will be enrolled at Lake City Community School for the 2019-20 school year,
consisting of an anticipated 47 students in preschool and elementary grades, 17 middle school students and 20 in high school.
This year’s class roster compares to 80 students who enrolled at the start of classes a year ago and 73 at the conclusion of the last school year, including seven high school graduates.
Total staff at Lake City Community School for the start of the new class year is 23 and includes a new 4th and 5th Grade instructor, DeOnn Willis, and two new teaching aids, Matt Phillimore, who will serve as Kindergarten-12th Grade aid, and Sarah Poet, newly hired preschool aid.
Staff changes at the local school include prior Grades 4-5 instructor Jennifer Rhinehardt who takes the place of retired Gary Gibson overseeing physical education classes for Kindergarten-12th Grade students.
2019-20 is a year of transition at Lake City Community School with much of the school grounds enveloped in construction for the massive school expansion and new gymnasium.
Construction work at the school will continue uninterrupted after the start of classes and will continue non-stop between now and completion at the start of the 2020-21 school year.
As a result of the construction, the main school entrance for students, parents, and staff will be through administrative offices off Silver Street.
Superintendent Hall acknowledges that Silver Street parking for staff, parents and visitors will be limited. Cars on Silver Street will now be parked parallel, according to Hall, with an emphasis on being good neighbors to adjoining residences and businesses.
Present ADA parking adjacent to the school’s Silver Street entrance will be maintained, while three addition spaces will now be assigned as short-term parking for student drop-off.
Playground space at the school is also limited during this transition period; students will spend their 15-minute recesses on the sports court and narrow fringe of grass to the west of the school adjoining Silver Street.
Hall says increased use of the school’s Henson Street soccer field is also envisioned, particularly for Jennifer Rhinehardt’s physical education classes.
Middle school and high school students begin classes next Tuesday with the start of a four-day Adventure Camp which takes them to camp at El Porvenir, New Mexico, near Santa Fe. Students will spend Tuesday-Friday hiking, rope climbing and Ultimate Frisbee, with side day trips to museums and historic sites in Santa Fe and Las Vegas, New Mexico.