Leaky Mains
Lake City TIMES, October 22, 1896 – Superint-endent of water works, J.B. Brooks, has been having considerable trouble this week with leaky mains. W.A. Akers and Angus Snedaker left last Monday morning on their bicycles for Gunnison. They will return this week. M.L. Childs has commenced his shipments from the Lost Trail Mine at Carson. He has about 40 jacks packing ore down the trail, to the old St. Jacobs ore house at the foot of the trail, and from there the ore will be hauled in wagons to Lake City. The great Ute and Ulay Mines will be opened up under new management within the next ten days. The news will be hailed with joy in the Lake City region as it means good wages and employment for about 500 men and permanent prosperity to the camp. Interested in the negotiations are Simon Guggenheim, the Philadelphia Smelter & Refining company of Pueblo, Samuel Newhouse, J.T. Newell, and Mayor Nicholson of Leadville.